The Shoulder Holder TM

Patented Technology | Contact Apollo | Stress Elimination | Shoulder Holder | Photos/description | Relaxation LINKS

Do you have neck or shoulder pain? Can you hardly sleep at night or work during the day because of the constant stress that you feel from this area?
The Shoulder HolderTM could help solve these problems while you sleep! It is a wonderfully cushioned device that provides relief for many types of neck, shoulder, arm and hand pain.

The Shoulder Holder was invented by a professional baseball athletic trainer and an ergonomic designer to assist pitchers and others to return to top form as quickly as possible.

Normally priced $69.95, as a direct-to-consumer internet-only price, for only

(plus shipping/processing)

Full 30-day 100% purchase price guarantee

(Apollo's Body Concepts, Inc. will refund the $29.95 purchase price if returned within 30 days of receipt of the device.)

Click on "Buy Now" to deliver one quickly to you!


We all realize that baseball and football are exercises, and after playing a game, professional athletes go to great lengths to make sure that their bodies have rested enough before exercising again.
When you work (or play) at a computer for any length of time, you are exercising and stressing your muscles, especially if you are in an uncomfortable chair, experience stress from any source and if you do not provide adequate rest after each bout of exercise (work/play) your muscles start a downward spiral towards repetitive stress disorders, numbness, weakness, frozen shoulder and a myriad of other possible complications.

The Shoulder Holder TM could help alleviate some of this stress by providing postural support while you lie down to sleep or watch tv.
(This is also an excellent excuse to hog the whole couch and watch your favorite TV program at night!!)

We ship to anywhere in the USA.
If ordering from outside the USA please contact us first to determine shipping charges.

The Shoulder HolderTM
makes a great gift anytime.

Do you have a friend or a coworker
who experiences neck or shoulder pain?
Let them know that help is here!

email Apollo

Copyright Apollo's Body Concepts, Inc.